Tuesday, September 30, 2008

All night googling!

Last week drummer Jason MacKenzie asked if I'd create a deadhead flyer for his world electronic collaborative gigs, and as usual, I go, " Yeah, great!  I'll have it in two days!"
A very, possibly clinically, retarded way to go about deadlining work.  So I stayed up drinking coffee all night and mostly surfing Goggle Image looking for inspiration, cause I'm feeling a bit blocked - it was like being in college again!   I rediscovered I have an affinity for Mayan art though!
I wanted to capture the idea that J Sunray , who plays western kit, tabla, dumbek, sequences and does dishes simultaneously.
So I kinda got two ideas for that...

Below makes me think of these guys , the Burnups, whom I talked to about playing bass for - they dressed up in whiteface with x's over their eyes [because they were supposed to be dead!]
I imagine mayan stationary looked a bit like this...

--wonder why i'm over here?

All this mayan stuff makes me think of Robert Hardgra...er, Farmer Bob's fantastic gouache paintings.  Check him out at http://www.farmerbobsfarm.com - you won't be disappointed.

I also began some work on some shirt designs for OHN and Atash, but haven't scanned that yet. One thing ata time, huh?  What I wouldn't kill for extra arms!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hee hee, mayan stationary...

you know, keep looking and i wouldn't be at all surprised if you found those extra arms! inspiration and ability often come from some pretty odd places.

i love you, jake!!!